Tereshkin A. 2000. Description of the males of Ulesta nigroscutella Tereshkin, 1993, Rhadinodonta rufidens (Wesmael, 1844) and new name for genus Heinrichia Tereshkin, 1996 (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae, Ichneumoninae Stenopneusticae). Entomofauna, 21,18: 229-236.


In this paper the males of the European species Ulesta nigroscutella Tereshkin, 1993 and Rhadinodonta rufidens (Wesmael, 1844) are described. The preoccupied genus Heinrichia Tereshkin, 1996 is given a new name: Heinrichiella nom. nov., and new distributional data are added for Clypeodromus thyridialis Tereshkin, 1992.

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