Gerd Hermann Heinrich 1896-1984. (Russian)
Gerd Hermann Heinrich 1896-1984. (English)
- Heinrich G. 1925. Larva Nematus crassus Fall. - Die Larve von Nematus crassus Fall. Ann. Zool. Mus. Polonici, 4:324-325.
- Heinrich G. Heinrich G. 1925. Die Larve von Nematus crassus Fall. (Hym. Tenthred.). Deutsche Ent.Zeitschr., 1925:288.
Heinrich G. 1926. Beitraege zur Kenntnis der Ichneumonidenfauna Polens. Polskiego Pisma Ent., 5: 153-166.
Heinrich G. 1926. Zur Systematik der Ichneumoninae stenopneusticae (Hym.). Deutsche Ent. Zeitschr., 1926: 255-259.
Heinrich G. 1926. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Ichneumonidenfauna der Dobrudscha (Hym.). Deutsche Ent. Zeitschr., 1926: 397-400.
Heinrich G. 1927. Beitrage zur Ichneumonidenfauna Polens. I. Nachtrag. (Ichneumoninae u. Pimplinae). Polskiego Pisma Ent., 6: 249-250.
Heinrich G. 1928. Ctenamblyteles nom. nov. (Hym. Ichneum.). Deutsche Ent. Zeitschr., 1928: 141.
Heinrich G. 1928. Zur Systematik der Ichneumonidae. I. Konowia, 7:199-202.
Heinrich G. 1928. Die Kennzeichen der Ichneumoninen auf ihren arttrennenden Wert. (Hym.). Konowia, 7:203-213.
Heinrich G. 1928. Einige seltene, neue oder bisher in beiden Geschlechtern noch nicht bekannte Ichneumoniden (Hym.). Deutsche Ent. Zeitschr., 1928: 86-90.
Heinrich G. 1929. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Ichneumonidenfauna der Transsylvanischen Alpen und Siebenburgens. Polskiego Pisma Ent., 7: 174-179 (1928)
Heinrich G. 1929. Beitrage zur Systematik der Ichneumoninae. Konowia, 8:13-17.
Heinrich G. 1929. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Insektenfauna Nordpersiens. Deutsche Ent.Zeitschr., 1929:305-326.
Heinrich G. 1929. Bemerkungen uber die Ichneumoninae in Brischkes Sammlung zu Danzig. Konowia, 8: 7-8.
Heinrich G. 1929. Die Wirte einiger Ichneumoniden. Konowia, 8: 319-321.
Heinrich G. 1929. Meniscus Tolli n. sp. Polskiego Pisma Ent., 7:179-80 (1928).
- Heinrich G. 1929. Trematopygus romani n. sp. (Hym. Ichneum.). Deutsche Ent. Zeitschr., 1929: 284.
Heinrich G. 1930. Einige neue Genera und Species der Subfam. Ichneumoninae Ashm. Mitt. Zool. Mus. Berlin, 15: 543-555.
Heinrich G. 1930. Zur Systematik der Ichneumoninae stenopneusticae II. Konowia, 9: 8-12.
Heinrich G. 1930. Zur Systematik der Ichneumoninae stenopneusticae III. Konowia, 9: 90-92.
Heinrich G. 1930. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Ichneumonidenfauna Jugoslaviens. Konowia, 9: 118-126.
Heinrich G. 1931. Beitrage zur Systematik der Ichneumoninae stenopneusticae (Hym.) IV. Mitt. Deutsche Ent. Gesell., 2:27-32.
Heinrich G. 1931. Zur Systematik der Ichneumoninae stenopneusticae IV [actually V]. Konowia, 10:29-33.
Heinrich G. 1931. [R. Mell & Heinrich). Beitrage zur Fauna sinica DC. Zur Biologie und Systematik der sudchinesischen Ichneumoninae Ashm. (Fam. Ichneumonidae Hym.). Zeitschr. Angew. Ent., 18:371-403.
Heinrich G. 1933. Anisobas brombacheri spec. nov. (Hym. Ichneum.). Mitt. Deutsche Ent. Gesell., 4: 54.
Heinrich G. 1933. Zur Systematik der Ichneumoninae stenopneusticae VI. Mitt. Zool. Mus. Berlin, 19:154-165.
Heinrich G. 1934. Die Ichneumoninae von Celebes bearbeitet auf grund der ausbeute der Celebes expedition G. Heinrich 1930-1932. Mitt. Zool. Mus. Berlin, 20: 1-263.
Heinrich G. 1935. Zur Systematik der Ichneumoninae stenopneusticae VII. Deutsche Ent. Zeitschr., 1935:191-200.
Heinrich G. 1936. Ichneumoninae Podola. Polskie Pismo Ent., 13:21-42 (1934).
Heinrich G. 1936. Die von mir in Bulgarien gesammelten Ichneumoninae und Cryptinae (Insecta, Hymenoptera). Mitt. Konigl. Naturwiss. Inst. Sofia, 9: 81-88.
Heinrich G. 1936. Hymenoptera III. Ichneumonidae: Ichneumoninae. Mission Scientifique de l'Omo. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. Paris, Zoologie, 3 (28): 227-244 (1935).
Heinrich G. 1937. Ichneumonologische Notizen. Deutsche Wiss. Zeitschr. f. Polen Jub. Deutsch. Naturw. Ver Poznar, 32: 57-59.
Heinrich G. 1937. A List and Some Notes on the Synonymy of the Types of the Subfamily Ichneumoninae Ashmead (Hymenoptera) in the Collections of the British Museum and the Hope Department of the Oxford University Museum. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist,(10) 20:257-279.
Heinrich G. 1937. Zur Systematik der Ichneumoninae stenopneusticae VIII (Hym.). Mitt. Deutschen Ent. Gesell., 8: 51-54.
- Heinrich G. 1937. Zwei neue Formen des Subgen. Meringopus Forst. und ein neuer Acroricnus (Hym., Ichn. Cryptinae). Mitt. Deutschen Ent. Gesell, 8: 22-24.
Heinrich G. 1937. Ichneumoninae Pokucia. Polskie Pismo Ent., 14-15:122-143 (1935-36).
- Heinrich G. 1937. Gibbonota duplanae gen. et sp. nov. (Pimplinae, Lissonotini). Polskie Pismo Ent., 14-15: 364-365.
Heinrich G. 1938. Les Ichneumonidae de Madagascar. III. Ichneumonidae, Ichneumoninae. Mem. Acad. Malagache, 25:1-139.
Heinrich G. 1944. Ichneumoninae Niederdonaus. Mitt. Deutschen Ent. Gesell., 13:108-113.
Heinrich G. 1944. Eine neue Ichneumonine aus Deutschland. Mitt. Deutschen Ent. Gesell., 13:113-115.
- Heinrich G. 1944. Eine seltene Schlupfwespe aus Schwaben. p. 95.
Heinrich G. 1949. Stenichnewnon ceaurei spec. nov. Mitt. Sammelstelle f. Schmarotzer. Des V.D.E.V., 24:1.
Heinrich G. 1949. Ichneumoniden des Berchtesgadener Gebietes (Hym.). Mitt. Munchner Ent. Gesell, 35-39 (1945-49): 1-101.[pdf pp. 1-55+96-101]
Heinrich G. 1949. Neue und interessante Schlupfwespen aus Bayern (Hym.). Mitt. Munchner Ent. Gesell., 35-39 (1945-49): 101-127.
Heinrich G. 1949. (Hym. Ichneum.) Die Pterocorminae (Ichneumeoninae [sic]) der Hahnheide. Bombus, 59-60:256-258.
- Heinrich G. 1950. Eine neue Ichneumonidae aus der Ukraine. Naturwissen. Mus. Stadt. Aschaffenburg, Note no. 28: 4-6.
Heinrich G. 1950. Neue Deutsche Ichneumoniden. Naturwissen. Mus. Stadt Aschaffenburg, Note no. 28:14-23.
Heinrich G. 1951. Barichneumon tegelensis spec. nov. Entomologische Berichten, no.316: 351.
- Heinrich G. 1951. Xorides holsaticus spec. nov. Naturwissen. Mus. Stadt. Aschaffenburg, Note no. 30: 47-49.
Heinrich G. 1951. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Ichneumoninae. Naturwissen. Mus. Stadt Aschaffenburg, Note no. 31:27-32.
Heinrich G. 1951-53. Ichneumoniden der Steiermark (Hym.) [I and II]. Bonner Zool. Beitrage, 2(Heft 3-4): 235-290,1951; 4(Heftl-2): 147-185,1953.
Heinrich G. 1952. Ichneumonidae from the Allgau, Bavaria. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., (12) 5: 1052-1089.
Heinrich G. 1953. Deutung einiger Typen Strobls und Arten seiner Sammlung (Hymenopt.). Zeitschr. Wiener Ent. Gesell., 38: 206-211.
Heinrich G. 1953. Holarctic elements among the Ichneumoninae of Main. J. Washington Acad. Sci., 43: 148-150.
Heinrich G. 1956. A Report on Some North American Arctic and Subarctic Ichneumoninae. Canad. Ent., 88: 447-487.
Heinrich G. 1956. Holarctic Elements Among the Ichneumoninae of Canada. Canad. Ent., 88:647-652.
Heinrich G. 1956. Ichneumon lariae Curtis A Critical Study on this Arctic Species and its Closely Related Forms. Canad. Ent., 88: 686-691.
Heinrich G. 1957. Einige Ichneumoninae von Afghanistan. Ent. Zeitschr., 67: 20-24.
Heinrich G. 1957. A New Species of the Tribe Trogini (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae).
- Heinrich G. 1957. [Heinrich & V. K. Gupta]. Entomological Survey of the Himalaya Part 20 - On a Collection of Ichneumonidae (Parasitic Hymenoptera) from the North-West Himalaya. Agra Univ. J. Res. (Sci.), 5:367-368 (1956).
Heinrich G. 1958. A Report on Some North American Arctic and Subarctic Ichneumoninae. First Supplement. Canad. Ent., 90: 739-741
- Heinrich G. 1959. Ichneumon canadensis Cress. Selection of New Lectotype. Ent. News, 60: 204.
Heinrich G. 1959. Revisional Notes on the Types of Ichneumoninae of Cresson, Cushman, Ashmead and Others. Ent. News, 70: 205-217.
- Heinrich G. 1959. "Trogus" atrocoeruleus Cresson, a Rediscovery and Redescription (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae). Proc. Ent. Soc. Washington, 61: 199-200.
Heinrich G. 1959. Revisional Notes on the Provancher Types of Ichneumoninae (Hymenoptera). Canad. Ent., 91: 806-807.
Heinrich G. 1960. New Oriental Trogini (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae). Canad. Ent., 92: 107-109.
Heinrich G. 1961-62. Synopsis of Nearctic Ichneumoninae Stenopneusticae with Particular Reference to the Northeastern Region (Hymenoptera). Part I Introduction, Key to Nearctic Genera of Ichneumoninae Stenopneusticae, and Synopsis of the Protichneumonini North of Mexico. Canad. Ent. Suppl., 15:1-87 (1960). Accompanied Vol. 92.
Heinrich G. 1961-62. Synopsis of Nearctic Ichneumoninae Stenopneusticae with Particular Reference to the Northeastern Region (Hymenoptera). Part II Synopsis of the Ichneumonini: Genera Orgichneumon, Cratichneumon, Homotherus, Aculichneumon, Spilichneumon. Canad. Ent. Suppl., 18: 89-205 (1960). Accompanied Vol. 92.
Heinrich G. 1961-62. Synopsis of Nearctic Ichneumoninae Stenopneusticae with Particular Reference to the Northeastern Region (Hymenoptera). Part III Synopsis of the Ichneumonini: Genera Ichneumon and Thyrateles.Canad. Ent. Suppl., 21: 207-368. Accompanied Vol. 93.
Heinrich G. 1961-62. Synopsis of Nearctic Ichneumoninae Stenopneusticae with Particular Reference to the Northeastern Region (Hymenoptera). Part IV Synopsis of the Ichneumonini: Genera Chasmias, Neambfymorpha, Anisopygus, Limerodops, Eupalamus, Tricholabus, Pseudamblyteles, Eutanyacra, Ctenichneumon, Exephanes, Ectopimorpha, Pseudoambfyteles. Canad. Ent. Suppl., 23: 369-505.
Heinrich G. 1961-62. Synopsis of Nearctic Ichneumoninae Stenopneusticae with Particular Reference to the Northeastern Region (Hymenoptera). Part V Synonpsis of the Ichneumonini: Genera Protopelmus, Patrocloides, Probolus, Stenichneumon, Aoplus, Limonethe, Hybophorellus, Rubicundiella, Melanichneumon, Stenobarichneumon, Platylabops, Hoplismenus, Hemihoplis, Trogomorpha. Canad. Ent. Suppl, 26: 507-671.
Heinrich G. 1961-62. Synopsis of Nearctic Ichneumoninae Stenopneusticae with Particular Reference to the Northeastern Region (Hymenoptera). Part VI Synopsis of the Ichneumonini (Genus Plagiotrypes), Acanthojoppini, Listrodromini and Platylabini. Canad. Ent. Suppl., 27: 675-802.
Heinrich G. 1961-62. Synopsis of Nearctic Ichneumoninae Stenopneusticae with Particular Reference to the Northeastern Region (Hymenoptera). Part VII Synopsis of the Trogini, Addenda and Corrigenda. Canad. Ent. Suppl., 29: 803-886.
Heinrich G. 1961-62. Synopsis of Nearctic Ichneumoninae Stenopneusticae with Particular Reference to the Northeastern Region (Hymenoptera). A last part VIII was written by Oswald Peck in 1964. Part VIII Addenda and Corrigenda, Host-Parasite List and Generic Host Indes, Index to Ichneumonid Names. Mem. Ent. Soc. Canada, 35: 887-926. [On page 926 actual dates of publications are mentioned].
Heinrich G. 1964. Festsetzung von Lectotypen einiger afrikanischer Species der Subfamilie Ichneumoninae. Ent. Tidskr., 85:52-53.
Heinrich G. 1965. Burmesische Ichneumoninae I. Ent. Tidskr., 86:74-130.
Heinrich G. 1965. Burmesische Ichneumoninae II. Ent. Tidskr., 86:133-177.
Heinrich G. 1966. Burmesische Ichneumoninae III [a]. Ent. Tidskr., 87:184-247.
Heinrich G. 1967. Burmesische Ichneumoninae III [b]. Ent. Tidskr., 88: 1-32.
Heinrich G. 1967. Synopsis and Reclassification of the Ichneumoninae Stenopneusticae of Africa south of the Sahara (Hymenoptera). Monograph, Farmington State College Press, Maine, U.S.A. Volume I. Introduction: Key to Tribes, and Subtribes of Ichneumoninae Stenopneusticae; Synopsis of the Protichneumonini, Ceratojoppini, Ischnojoppini, Trogini. Pp. 1-250, April 3,1967.
Heinrich G. 1967. Synopsis and Reclassification of the Ichneumoninae Stenopneusticae of Africa south of the Sahara (Hymenoptera). Monograph, Farmington State College Press, Maine, U.S.A. Volume II. Synopsis of the Oedicephalini, Listrodromini, Compsophorini, Ctenocalini, Platylabini, Eurylabini, Acanthojoppini. Pp. 251-480, June 28,1967.
- Heinrich G. 1967. Synopsis and Reclassification of the Ichneumoninae Stenopneusticae of Africa south of the Sahara (Hymenoptera). Monograph, Farmington State College Press, Maine, U.S.A. Volume III. Synopsis of the Ichneumonini: Subtribes Ichneumonina and Amblytelina. Pp. 481-692, December 21,1967.
- Heinrich G. 1968. Synopsis and Reclassification of the Ichneumoninae Stenopneusticae of Africa south of the Sahara (Hymenoptera). Monograph, Farmington State College Press, Maine, U.S.A. Volume IV. Synopsis of the Ichneumonini: Subtribes Aethioplitina and Cratichneumonina (in part). Pp. 693-942, June 20,1968.
- Heinrich G. 1968. Synopsis and Reclassification of the Ichneumoninae Stenopneusticae of Africa south of the Sahara (Hymenoptera). Monograph, Farmington State College Press, Maine, U.S.A. Volume V. Synopsis of the Ichneumonini: Subtribe Cratichneumonina, Addenda and Index. Pp. 943-1258, November 10, 1968. [On the last page actual dates of publication (in Germany) of various parts are given; actual receipt of the various parts was delayed somewhat in shipment].
Heinrich G. 1968. Burmesische Ichneumoninae IV. Ent. Tidskr., 89: 77-106.
Heinrich G. 1968. Burmesische Ichneumoninae V. Ent. Tidskr., 89:197-228.
Heinrich G. 1968. Contributions to the Knowledge of North American Ichneumoninae.Naturaliste Canadien, 95: 703-722.
Heinrich G. 1969. Synopsis of Nearctic Ichneumoninae Stenopneusticae with Particular reference to the Northeastern Region (Hymenoptera) - Supplement 1. Naturaliste Canadien, 96: 935-963.
Heinrich G. 1969. The Charcoal Digger Wasp, Isodontia pelopoeiformis. Florida Ent., 52 (2).
Heinrich G. 1969. Burmesische Ichneumoninae VI. Ent. Tidskr., 90: 100-130.
Heinrich G. 1970. Burmesische Ichneumoninae VII. Ent. Tidskr., 91: 68-102.
Heinrich G. 1971. Synopsis of Nearctic Ichneumoninae Stenopneusticae with Particular Reference to the Northeastern Region (Hymenoptera) Supplement 2. Naturaliste Canadien, 98: 959-1026.
Heinrich G. 1972. Synopsis of Nearctic Ichneumoninae Stenopneusticae with Particular Reference to the Northeastern Region (Hymenoptera). Supplement 3. Naturaliste Canadien, 99:173-211.
Heinrich G. 1972. Zur Systematik der Ichneumoninae Stenopneusticae IX. Eine Spatlese (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae). Mitt. Munchner Ent. Gesell., 60: 80-101.
Heinrich G. 1973. Bemerkenswerte Ichneumoninae aus dem Gebiet der Sudalpen. Nachricht.Bayer. Ent., 22:49-56.
Heinrich G. 1973. Synopsis of Nearctic Ichneumoninae Stenopneusticae with ParticularReference to the Northeastern Region (Hymenoptera). Supplement 4. Naturaliste Canadien, 100: 461-465. An erratum published in vol. 100, no. 6, page 541 or 542.
Heinrich G. 1974. Burmesische Ichneumoninae VIII. Ann. Zool. (Polska Akad. Nauk), 31 (5): 407-457.
Heinrich G. 1974. Burmesische Ichneumoninae IX. Ann. Zool. (Polska Akad. Nauk), 32 (8): 103-197.
Heinrich G. 1975. Burmesische Ichneumoninae X. Ann. Zool. (Polska Akad. Nauk), 32 (20): 441-514.
Heinrich G. 1975. Synopsis of Nearctic Ichneumoninae Stenopneusticae with Particular Reference to the Northeastern Region (Hymenoptera). Supplement 5: Ichneumoninae of the Island of Newfoundland. Naturaliste Canadien, 102: 753-782.
Heinrich G. 1977. Ichneumoninae of Florida and Neighboring States (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae, subfamily Ichneumoninae). Vol. 9 in Arthropods of Florida and Neighboring Land Areas, Florida Dept. of Agriculture & Consumer Services. pp. 1-350.
Heinrich G. 1978. Synopsis of Nearctic Ichneumoninae Stenopneusticae, with Particular Reference to the Northeastern Region (Hymenoptera). Supplement 6. Naturaliste Canadien, 105:159-168.
Heinrich G. 1978. Eastern Palearctic Ichneumoninae. A selection of new discoveries and critical taxonomical discussion, with particular reference to the Asiatic fauna of the USSR and the fauna of Turkey. In Russian. 80 pages. Published by the Institute of Zoology, Academy of Sciences, USSR.
Heinrich G. 1980. Neue Ichneumoninae Stenopneusticae aus der Palaearktischen Region (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae). Mitt. Munchner Ent. Gesell., 69: 9-27.
Heinrich G. 1980. Burmesische Ichneumoninae XI. Ann. Zool. (Polska Akad. Nauk), 35 (11): 115-192.
Heinrich G. 1980. Contribution to the knowledge of the Western Palearctic species of Anisobas Wesmael (Ichneumonidae, Ichneumoninae). Spixiana, 3: 225-238.